Ariana Starr Headlines Latest From MYLF
MIAMI — Ariana Starr, Quinton James, Brad Sterling, and Jayden Marcos star in the latest release from MYLF.
"Jayden Marcos is the horny teen, and Ariana Starr is the stepmom who is every bit as randy as he is," said a rep. "Soon, things just get increasingly ludicrous in the best of ways with Brad Sterling and Quinton James. Double blow jobs after a family feast is a dessert that will satisfy any fan's sweet tooth."
Added Starr, "Nothing is better than spending a day on set with Team Skeet. Brad, Quinton, and Jayden were so excellent and fun to play and work with. I had so many moments where I just wanted to bust out laughing at this funny ass script. Every single one of these guys is a fantastic actor."
The scene is streaming on MYLF.
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